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Twenty two (2022)

 Since it is now 2022, I feel like my New Year's resolution should be writing a blog regularly.  I feel like my creative side has been squashed for multiple years to leave some space for my training as a specialist plus motherhood.  Now that I am in a subspecialty programme, I feel like my creative side has been squashed paper thin.  It needs to expand now. I used to have a blog as an undergraduate student, but most of it were very personal ramblings.  I had to be anonymous back then, and it was so tiring.  It was so tiring to write cryptically, like you are a heroine in a self-absorbed adventure.  No more. So what should I write about now? Should I write about my current experiences in Toronto? Should I write about my adventures in food and cooking? Should I write about education -- particularly about my child?  (No I feel uneasy when people comment about my family) Should I write about medical stuff?  I tried that before and I did not like ...
Recent posts

My Experience at ITBM (Malaysian Institute of Translation and Books)

 As part of getting my family's visa to Canada, we needed to send the marriage certificate and birth certificate (translated and notarized copies). I honestly thought that I could put it on hold during a pandemic.  Boy how wrong I was. In a nutshell, I had to rush to ITBM (stands for Institut Terjemahan dan Buku Malaysia) to do translation of the certificates, and an urgent job too.  That equals money. ITBM is located at Wangsa Maju, which is 15 minutes (with no traffic) from my workplace.  I did not bother to drive, and instead I took a Grab.  I hate parking, and to my chagrin, parking turned out to be easy in the morning.   (Picture from Malaysiakini) I came in the morning during opening time with the original certificates and photocopied certificates which are certified true (in case they want them), and a hefty load of money.  The reception asked me to fill a form, and directed me to the waiting area while waiting for the cashier to call for...

Ulasan filem Little Women oleh Greta Gerwig (2019) - Review

Saya baru sahaja menonton filem Little Women yang diarahkan oleh Greta Gerwig di Netflix.  Agak ketinggalan keretapi juga saya nampaknya kerana filem ini keluar tahun lepas, dan novel Little Women oleh Louisa M. Alcott adalah novel kegemaran saya sejak sekolah rendah lagi.  Filem ini berdasarkan novel Little Women dan Good Wives.   Saya rasa saya takut jika saya hampa apabila menonton filem versi Greta Gerwig -- pembaca novel kadang-kadang ada expectation yang sangat tinggi apabila novel kegemarannya difilemkan.  Fortunately untuk saya, filem ini sangat-sangat hampir dengan apa yang saya bayangkan apabila saya membaca novel asalnya. Novel ini berdasarkan kehidupan sebenar Louisa M. Alcott dan keluarganya yang digambarkan oleh watak utama novel ini, Jo (atau Josephine March).  Ia menceritakan tentang kehidupan keluarga Alcott yang agak susah (sebelumnya mungkin mereka dari keluarga yang senang) kerana kepergian bapa Jo di medan perang.  Dalam kesusahan ...

Road to Canada: How to answer a question without really answering the question.

 Bila sudah sampai tahap ini, saya rasa bosan bila membaca respon pihak sana kalau saya dan Mr Hubby bertanya soalan.   Pertama kali saya bertanya soalan melalui emel kepada Pejabat Visa Canada, mereka jawab soalan saya berdasarkan apa yang ada dalam laman web mereka. Kali kedua: mereka masih menjawab soalan berdasarkan apa yang ada dalam laman web.  Soalan yang lebih spesifik masih tidak dijawab. Yang terbaru ini, saya bertanya tiga soalan kepada pihak polis di sana, yang hanya dijawab dengan petikan dari laman web mereka. Pada hemat saya, orang Canada pandai menjawab soalan tetapi masih tidak menjawab persoalan.  Mereka hanya quote benda yang sama dalam laman web.    Mungkin cara kerja mereka adalah jangan jawab soalan secara spesifik kalau tak tahu... Tapi kalau dari persepsi kami yang di luar negara Canada, cara ini memang menyusahkan, lagi-lagi dalam situasi pandemik ini di mana semuanya bergerak perlahan seperti siput.   Bila dah hampir...